The National Capital Hydrogen Center’s Commitment to the DMV

We will prioritize an equitable and responsible transition to hydrogen across the DMV region and collectively share the environmental, social, and financial benefits that this versatile energy solution offers our communities.

To our District, Maryland, and Virginia neighbors

We have developed the Greenprint to share how hydrogen-based solutions stand to deliver exceptional climate, social, and financial benefits to the DMV region. Hydrogen enables zero carbon emissions and is ready to be a critical element of our energy solution portfolio right now. Our analysis identifies approximately 8,900 potential new hydrogen-related jobs in the DMV and models significant carbon emissions reductions along with the associated avoided other costs. Furthermore, hydrogen has the potential to bring billions of new investment dollars to the DMV economy.

Our region has much to gain by pursuing these benefits together. The Greenprint depicts a regional hydrogen ecosystem that embraces inclusivity through tangible job preparation and growth and collaboration across the DMV’s communities and stakeholders.


Community Engagement

As hydrogen projects progress through the assessment, planning, and execution phases, Connected DMV will provide a forum for community input and engagement. Connected DMV and the National Capital Hydrogen Center will conduct outreach to communities to ask questions and understand community needs, aspirations, and concerns. With that feedback, the Center will work with all stakeholders to help identify community-level solutions to connect disadvantaged communities to the benefits of hydrogen directly.

The Greenprint captures the starting point for this process. Moving forward, Connected DMV will strive to strengthen relationships with communities to facilitate inclusive, efficient, and effective activities across the region as we deliver on the region's goals.


Equitable and Responsible Outcomes

The equitable outcomes contemplated in the Greenprint envision clean and healthy communities regardless of zip code, along with job opportunities strategically positioned to benefit our underserved populations. We will actively engage directly with communities and community partners to provide a forum for input and to help ensure that benefits are being realized and reported to the public.

Delivering the economic, health, environmental, and workforce development benefits described in the Greenprint will require an objective entity with the support and trust of the region. Connected DMV and regional stakeholders will fulfill this role together throughout all project phases.


Targeted Workforce Development

Developing a vibrant hydrogen ecosystem in the region requires a skilled local workforce. In conjunction with community, government, academic and commercial stakeholders, the Center will create a coordinated plan for workforce development and training activities that represents the comprehensive needs of both the workforce and the employers in the DMV. Key stakeholders will be represented, including unions, state employment agencies, businesses, industries, high schools, technical schools, the community college system, and regional colleges and universities. Community workforce development entities will also be represented, along with the training functions of local utilities and independent energy and infrastructure companies.

As hydrogen infrastructure is deployed in the region, Connected DMV will explicitly work towards equitable job opportunities for our underserved communities and those displaced from other energy sectors. The skills supported will represent all segments of the hydrogen value chain.

We will prioritize an equitable and responsible transition to hydrogen across the DMV region and collectively share the environmental, social, and financial benefits that this versatile energy solution offers our communities.

Rockville, Maryland