National Capital Hydrogen Center Leadership
The Steering Committee of the National Capital Hydrogen Center consists of leaders from industry, the public sector, academia, and nonprofits from across Greater Washington.
Mallik Angalakudati
Washington Gas
Chuck Bean
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Bob Buchanan
The 2030 Group
Rick Beuttel
Bloom Energy
Geovanni Castano
Dominion Energy
Sunny Elebua
Paul Eremenko
Universal Hydrogen
Rachel Fakhry
National Resources Defense Council
David Gadis
DC Water
Melissa King*
U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Office of Innovation
Daniel Lee
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
Rick Mason
Plug Power
Steven McKnight
Virginia Tech
Jack Potter
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
Buddy Rizer
Loudoun County Economic Development
William Ryan*
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency
Dr. Sunita Satyapal*
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Ricky Smith
Maryland Aviation Administration
Stu Solomon
Connected DMV
John Thomas
Waltzing Matilda Aviation (Connect Airlines)
Scott Tinkler
Dave Velazquez
Dr. Gregory Washington
George Mason University
David Wochner
K&L Gates
Colleen Wright
*ex officio, non-voting
Gaithersburg, Maryland